Voicemail Greetings

The goal of this tutorial is to show you how to create a Voicemail Greeting Script


  • Admin
  • Editor
  • Team Lead

How To Create a Voicemail Greeting Script

  1. Select Library from the Toolbar
  2. Click the Voicemails tab
  3. Select the + Add Voicemail icon
  4. Enter a Voicemail Label then click Add
  5. Create the script 
    • Use the Editor Toolbar to customize text, font, and insert hyperlinks
    • Add Variables to insert personalized content listed in the prospect’s profile
  6. Select Settings from the Toolbar on the right and toggle Set Active to make the Voicemail live
  7. Click the Publish icon to save all changes


Assigning Voicemails to an existing Playbook

  1. Select Settings from the Toolbar on the right
  2. Click Assign and Select which Playbook and Meeting Plan to link the Voicemail
  3. Click the Publish icon to save all changes
    • An Update window will generate confirming the Voicemail has been assigned to a Playbook
    • Click a Playbook tile to easily disconnect the Voicemail from that workflow

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